
   Today is my mom, my friends- Frankie and Rachel twins, and my co-worker- YuTing's birthday!

Happy birthday to you all!!!

Before I left for the church this morning, I called my mom and said happy birthday to her because I didn't send anything home for her.

I told Janet that today is my mom's birthday.

Janet said that my mom should have a great party in Taiwan.

But I told her that she didn't because I'm here in this country and I don't think there is anyone will celebrate for her.

It's been 3 weeks for me for not going to the church and people were asking me where had I been. Gerry, a sister from Jamaica invited me to have dinner in her house today so I'll go after using the internet.

The Korean couple tole me there is a Taiwanese girl they want me to meet so I might go to the evening service again to meet the girl. She is studying for MA here. 

Hopefully, I'm going to have a fab Sunday with the jolly cold weather!!!


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    Mo's extra brain

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